September 6, 2020
Yesterday we made the hard decision to rob from a weaker hive to give our stronger hive a better chance to survive the winter. I would have liked to find the queen of the weaker hive and sacrifice only her to combine the whole weaker hive in, but we are inexperienced and could not find her. The weaker hive only had 10 frames and that is just not enough to make it through winter. The stronger hive had about 16-18 frames. That is closer, but possible still not enough. I hope that by robbing and sacrificing one we can keep one alive through winter, then either split off a nuc from it, or buy a nuc to get a second hive going.
We will check on them in a couple weeks. I would still love the chance to save more of the weaker hive. We will see if I still have time to work with them, or if I have waited too long.
I have read books for years on bees. Watched Youtube videos. Read websites, but actually doing it is different. Especially when I have gone a non-traditional route by doing horizontal hives. Langstroth deep frames, but the hives only have room for 30 frames. The hope and plan to leave about 20+ frames each winter for them, and hope to harvest a few others in future years. This year my biggest goal is just to get at least one hive through the winter. If I can do that then I hope to build at least one more hive, maybe two then be able to have three running and a have a back up in case I need to run splits in the spring.
I have to admit I am tempted to see if I can harvest one frame of honey this year, since I am sacrificing a hive anyway. I will have to see how the hive really looks in a couple weeks to see if I can manipulate the frames to move the yucky old ones to the back to pull off in the spring and if I have enough left for the bees to work with and keep them alive and fed all winter....
I am debating feeding some fondant just in case for the winter, but I really thing they have enough in the strong hive to be ok, and the weak one I doomed when I robbed from it.
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