September 13, 2020
Two days ago we remembered September 11, when our world was attacked by terrorists. That led to fear and panic by many, heroic acts by others and eventually and to limits in Airplane flights that we have all come to accept as normal.
Six months ago Covid started shutting down parts of our world. There has been much fear and panic by many, heroic acts by others and reopening with restrictions. Some we may have to accept as the new normal.
Today for the first time in about 6 months I was able to attend church in our normal meeting house. Wearing masks coming in, hand sanitizing, sitting in alternating pews, not being allowed to visit with others, being asked not to sing but just to read along... I find myself grateful to be able to worship but wishing for the "how, where, or what they may" part of worship. The music and singing is one of my favorite parts of worship. Getting to know others is also highly enjoyable. I found myself looking around the room and finding several new faces that I am not allowed to introduce myself to and don't know how I will get to know them. If this is the new "normal" how much harder it must be on them if there are a few I don't know, there must be a room full of people they do not know. No, we don' t have to know others in the room to worship God, but since we are all brothers and sisters, it is easier to support one another and be supported by those we know.
Up until now I have accepted the restrictions believing in the back of my mind that these might be more permanent than I like but not being too bothered by them. Today it felt a little like a terrorist attack. For the safety of others I will still comply but I will look harder for ways to reach out and make connections with others.