Sunday, August 12, 2018

Predators, chickens, snakes, husband and son

August 12, 2018

This morning as my husband went to let the chickens out he heard and saw a hawk. 
The chickens recognized the call and ran to where they consider their "safe" place. 
I have to wonder about their intelligence. 
Under or in the coop would be safer but they went over by the fence,
just in the shade of a tree, not actually under the tree.  
They all have survived so I guess it is fine. 
There do seem to be a large amount of predatory birds around here. 
Fun to see until you have to worry about your animals. 
We think one might have gotten our outside cat. 
She stopped coming for treats and we have not seen her for a couple weeks now. 
She was pretty scrawny. 
It could have been other things too though. I don't think we will ever know.

While I was coming back from bringing leftovers from breakfast to the chickens,
 I saw a snake. 
It was only a small one but startled me enough I stood there and yelled snake, snake.
It was between me and the house. I was afraid to even try to go around it
 for fear, we would both chose the same path. 
My sweetheart and a couple of the children came. 
Our son used a large stick to scare it out of hiding, 
and them my hero husband used a shovel to chop it then feed it to the chickens. 
They liked the treat. YUCK! 
I have to say I am grateful for my sweetheart, son and the chickens though!!!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps they thought there was safety in numbers and since under the tree they could not see the hawk that it could not see them either. Glad they are all safe. Strange diet. Wonder if they now hate to eat chicken as it tastes like snake. Fun Fun Fun!!!
