Yesterday we decided to grow our flock a little.
We found 4 chickens on Craigslist. 2 were older, but 2 are younger. The 2 younger ones were the ones we wanted, they should start laying anytime now and should hopefully be laying next year. If we are really lucky we will get some baby chicks from these, and our other girls next spring. That is the real hope...
We got 2 Barred Rocks. One is older and our children named her Grilled, the younger one I name Malibu (as in Malibu Chicken, Malibu Barbie and Malibu an escape/vacation destination because when we went to pick her up she escaped and led us and her previous owner on a wild chicken chase through their neighborhood.). We also got a 2nd Buff Orpington that our daughter named Baby Nuggets (our other Orpinton is called Nuggets). We also added a Rex Sex Link named Buffalo (as in a type of spicy chicken, I like that name better than the original name our daughter picked of "Burnt")
The pictures are not great but you get the idea. Malibu is CRAZY!
Grilled has already layed us an egg. Buffalo and Baby Nugget are pretty afraid of us.
I hope these new girls settle in ok.
Funny note:
Our first chickens include two we named KFC 1 and 2.
2 was missing feathers when we got her and is still in the same condition. She is a pretty sorry looking chicken, but in many ways she is the smartest! Our son catches crickets in a jar and takes them out to the chickens. KFC 2 is the only one who has figured out how to stick her head in the jar and take the crickets out. Once she gets one the crickets just cower in the jar, free for the pickings but the other girls don't go for the jar, they try to steal them from KFC 2. Sometimes they are successful, but more often than not, she gets to eat most of the crickets while the others are confused.
She now comes running and will follow our son with the jar.