Monday, June 25, 2018

Partial Tour

Here are a few of my favorite parts
and one not so favorite part 
of our little patch of Heaven.

Reason number 1 for loving this place: The View

Our cute Creek
I love it
The Trees and privacy
Hay shed, Winter wood stack, Raised bed pieces by Shop
This wood means we will be nice and cozy this winter

Random wood pieces behind shop
These piece may add to winter warmth
Kindling pile by Hay shed and shop
The more kindling the easier it is to start our cozy fire
It also means the trees by our house are trimmed enough for a Hammock
(I will try to get a pictures of that another day)

Play land in big back yard, in the shade most the day
I can see this view as I wash dishes in the kitchen.

Backyard Garden bed by house

More of back yard garden bed

Side of Madeline's Miny House with Nutmeg's house

Front of Madeline's Miny House
the beginnings of the deck we hope to build for it

One of Madeline's paintings in her Miny House

Another painting in the Miny House

Front garden/herb bed

Front plant bed

Front of the house
I love the Doors all painted Red to match the roof and fascia
That little bench holds a fun surprise.
 It turns into a little table
Not a love... Pile of Thistles we have pulled out.
It is about up to my shoulders in places
This pile and the work it represents is worth all the other above things
and so many more wonderful things about life here!

1 comment:

  1. The first picture reminds me of why the Ukrainian flag was designed as a symbolic depiction of the Ukrainian landscape. There is lots of farmland. The flag is half yellow at the bottom representing a field of grain and half blue at the top representing the blue sky above it. Although there are other colors in your picture, I can see the yellow field with the blue sky above. Very pictureesue -- and being a city dweller for now in Ukraine, It is the first time I have seen the Ukrainian flag in nature.
