Friday, November 27, 2020

#GiveThanks 7

 November 27

Time --

I am grateful for time. Time to learn, time to play, time to laugh, time to spend with family, time to repent, time on earth, time to myself, time with others, time to mark important events, time to be sad -- especially because it helps me see the opposites and appreciate the better times all the more...clocks, calendars etc. to keep track of time and coordinate with others. I am grateful for time. I am also grateful for times when we can just forget time exists for a short while... Time also as in Time on earth as apposed to eternity...

I am grateful for Time

Thursday, November 26, 2020

# GiveThanks 6

 November 26th

Thanksgiving day for most of America, the day after for us.

I am grateful for transportation. Scooters, Bicycles, Cars, Trucks, Suburban's, Trains, Planes. I can't imagining traveling everywhere by foot, horse/animal back or wagons. I am truly spoiled and grateful.

Today our son is on his way to Chicago, then onto Zambia tomorrow to spend two years teaching and serving the people there. We will miss him but are excited for the Opportunity for him and the adventures he will have and the people he will meet. Everything we hear and read the people are wonderful there.  We look forward to hearing from him and seeing pictures.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

#GiveThanks 5

 November 24


Hot water, clean water

Water to drink, to cook with, to wash dishes, to wash ourselves, clean the house, the car, rain, flush the toilets, running hot and cold water in pipes, wells, rivers, streams, creeks, oceans, humidity, clouds, steam... water in all forms

Monday, November 23, 2020

#GiveThanks 4

 November 23

I am grateful for Electricity and technology --

Lights, heat, washing machines and dryers, ovens, blenders, computers, kindles, ipads, phones, cell phones, wifi, fans, hot water....

So many, many things that make life easier and enjoyable!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

#GiveThanks 3

 November 22, 2020

I am grateful for the Sabbath, a day of rest. As an adult, especially when we have young children it is not a day of rest, as in sleep or ease. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, it is often not a day of rest, as in nothing to do. Meetings, Family History, visiting others, preparing lessons and talks...  yet the more I keep the day Holy, more devoted to being about my Father's work, my Saviors work, I do reach Monday feeling rested, renewed, energized and ready for a new week.

I am grateful for all the learning opportunities I have had as part of the Lord's Church. Opportunities to serve in a multitude of callings has allowed me to not only learn more about the Gospel and my Savior, but also skills like organizing, speaking, teaching, social skills (those I still am extra weak in but better than before), homemaking skills... Most of my friends can also be traced to my associations with Church.

I am grateful for a Prophet to teach and warn us. 

I am grateful for a Savior who instituted the Sacrament that I might partake and start a new each and every week and try again and again and again.

I am grateful for Sunday!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

# GiveThanks 2

 November 22

I am grateful for this Earth -- 

Trees for shade, fruit, beauty (fall colors, green buds in the spring, blossoms..)

Foods to grow in gardens, and in wild (I remember picking blackberries with my family as a child!)

Animals - pets, diverse animals (who created a platypus), for help (I look forward to learning what cureloms and cumoms are) horses, elephants, oxen,... and baby animals are generally so cute...

Sun, moon, stars

Oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks

Sand, soil, clay...

Lots of stuff all working together, Amazing!

Friday, November 20, 2020

# GiveThanks

 November 20, 2020

Today President Nelson encouraged us to share things we are grateful for on Social Media. I am not sure this is what he intended but, this is how I intend to share things I am grateful for. 

Today I will start with People

Family: Spouse, Parents, Children, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews, Grandparents, and Ancestors who have gone before...

Leaders: Government - local (School Boards, City Councils...) and others (Congress, Heads of Nations...) from our lands and those in other lands, Church - again local and others, those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and those of other Churches seeking to do good and teach others to do likewise, People setting examples all over...

Friends: Long time and Friends I haven't met yet, those that live close and those far away, 

Community Service Providers: Healthcare, Police, Firefighters, Librarians, Public Health Supervisors and Coordinators,  Farmers and Ranchers, Those providing services for less fortunate -- Shelters, Soup Kitchens, Food Banks, Recovery centers..., Road care, Garbage disposal, Utilities, even Grocery Store and Delivery Personnel -- so many things we can't imagine not having...

"Enemies" -- Not really enemies but those who think differently than I do and challenge my thoughts to help me learn and see and think about things from different views

People who have gone before us: People like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Thomas S. Monson, Gordon B. Hinkley, Abraham, Adam, Sariah, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, Nephi, Mormon, Moroni, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Dave Harris, Sandra Mitchell, Inventors and Innovators...

Last but not least, Our Savior Jesus Christ!

It is said it takes a village to raise a child, in reality it takes far more than that if you think of all those that influence each of our lives, then the ripples that go out from there. The person who was nice to one other person and that it effected person after person, until it reached you ---  I hope I can pass that on to others.