November 20, 2020
Today President Nelson encouraged us to share things we are grateful for on Social Media. I am not sure this is what he intended but, this is how I intend to share things I am grateful for.
Today I will start with People
Family: Spouse, Parents, Children, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces, Nephews, Grandparents, and Ancestors who have gone before...
Leaders: Government - local (School Boards, City Councils...) and others (Congress, Heads of Nations...) from our lands and those in other lands, Church - again local and others, those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and those of other Churches seeking to do good and teach others to do likewise, People setting examples all over...
Friends: Long time and Friends I haven't met yet, those that live close and those far away,
Community Service Providers: Healthcare, Police, Firefighters, Librarians, Public Health Supervisors and Coordinators, Farmers and Ranchers, Those providing services for less fortunate -- Shelters, Soup Kitchens, Food Banks, Recovery centers..., Road care, Garbage disposal, Utilities, even Grocery Store and Delivery Personnel -- so many things we can't imagine not having...
"Enemies" -- Not really enemies but those who think differently than I do and challenge my thoughts to help me learn and see and think about things from different views
People who have gone before us: People like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Thomas S. Monson, Gordon B. Hinkley, Abraham, Adam, Sariah, Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel and Leah, Nephi, Mormon, Moroni, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Dave Harris, Sandra Mitchell, Inventors and Innovators...
Last but not least, Our Savior Jesus Christ!
It is said it takes a village to raise a child, in reality it takes far more than that if you think of all those that influence each of our lives, then the ripples that go out from there. The person who was nice to one other person and that it effected person after person, until it reached you --- I hope I can pass that on to others.