Sunday, May 10, 2020

Population increase

The population exploded here last night as we brought home two Nucs of bees.

My Dad was a beekeeper growing up. I don't know that I ever considered keeping bees as a child, but I have investigated it on and off for many years now. Normally I concluded it was too expensive and let it go. With my brother helping/building hives for/with me last fall for a very modest amount we kept costs a little lower. There were still some expenses, like the Nucs and Veils and smoker, but we hope they are investments and that we will enjoy them for many years. 

I read a quote about bees - "Instead of always thinking about what we can take out of the hive, we must think what we can put into the hive so that the colony will prosper in health and productivity."
I hope to live by this philosophy and that with a health productive hive we might enjoy some of the sweetness of their labors as well, in time.

This afternoon I realized another advantage of the hive placement. I can sit in the afternoon shade of the shop and watch the bees without interfering in their work.

I am excited and a little trepidatious. I have read as many books from our local library as I could and watched many Youtube videos. It all becomes real though when you pick up thousands of bees and bring them home...

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Is there a Rooster in the Clutch?

May 2, 2020

We have one chick that seems larger than the rest. It could just be a breed issue, but she/he makes motions that seem similar to our rooster. It tilts its head to look up at us, stretches its neck up tall to look around. A couple days ago I was cleaning a window by them and was up on a chair to reach it. It seemed that a chick was calling a warning and they would all huddle when they saw me on the chair. They see us frequently by their "cage" but this was different to them I guess. It happened several times as I got up and down from the chair.  Time will tell, is there a rooster in this clutch?