Wednesday, March 25, 2020


March 25, 2020

As many in the world and now country have struggled these past months this year, I have been blessed. As the Country asked for a 15 day shut down to slow the spread of Coronavirus/Covid 19, I have been able to spend more time at home with my family.  I love my family. I love being at home. I feel blessed to have been warned by a Prophet to have food storage and been taught by parents to always keep food and supplies on hand.  We have been able to go out and get a few things but really we have enough and more to spare or share. Meals might get a little interesting. We might have to get more creative, but no one should go hungry here.
I pray for those that are making decisions and find comfort in words of Peace from our Prophet, comments by Vice President Pence that he prays before he meets with others, and wise sounding decisions and efforts from our Governor.
I pray for those that are afraid or without right now. For those who are at risk of serious effects or even death. For those that mourn or celebrate mostly alone at times that others typically would gather to mourn or celebrate with them.
I don't know what the days and weeks ahead will bring but I know we can learn from these times and we can reach out and use the technology we have been blessed with to make connects and support each other.
We are blessed to live on this earth and to have opportunities each day to learn and grow and love.