Just a few of the things we have been working on.
My husband calls himself a wood hoarder.
Really all this wood keeps me warm all winter and is much cheaper than the furnace.
He is pleased with the supply for the coming winter.
The shed on the right is the extension my awesome brother made.
It is full of boxes of loose free straw and kindling.
The Adult swing ;)
Salvaged wood, a little left over from beehives
Some of the hardware was left over from the child swing set
I did have to buy a little hardware.
I think in all it cost about $40 with ropes, bolts and carabiners...
We have made 2 Horizontal hives/Russian long boxes.
Mostly Salvaged wood, I did buy about $5-10 worth of supplies
a couple wood strips and hinges
They have an interior width of 45 inches, and are intended to hold at least 30 frames.
My brother is amazing.
We added a follower board so it can house 2 colonies over winter or early spring if needed
or can just give access to part of the hive at a time.
The second hive is almost done, it needs the hinges added and wire "chain" to keep the lid contained.
I want a wedge for both the hives to keep the lid up, just in case.
Now I need to build all the frames for the hives. I have the parts, just need to sit down and do it.
I built one to use to check sizing during hive construction, but have 99 more to build.
I couldn't have done a fraction of this without my sweet husband gathering supplies for us and my talented brother guiding/doing the building.
I have started a swarm/nuc box. I may never catch a swarm, but I want try anyway.
Today we gleaned several boxes of potatoes.
Now back to playing in the dirt before snow flies.
We are looking to get a variety of fruit plants in the spring...