Sunday, June 30, 2019


June 30, 2019

Wow, June flew!
We have reduced our Flock to 7 good layers, 1 Fair layer and 1 pet chicken, with our Rooster to protect them all. I am glad going into winter we should only be feeding those that should lay decently next year.
We have been trying preserving eggs in Slake Lime/Pickling Lime/Hydrated Lime/Calcium Hydroxide...  and water. Supposedly this is one way people saved eggs for winter in "the old days". We have 2-3 dozen and are adding to it. We keep 2 dozen in the fridge and store the rest.

Some of the frozen plants seem to be making a come back. It may be too little too late, but we will see. I have lots of Kale that my family is not loving... sad.

The field across the road has a beautiful, though overgrown yellow rose bush. I have never been super fond of roses, but I really like these ones. I am thinking of taking a cutting or more from it. I have read about putting it in a potato to root it. I wonder if it would work.

My brother has finished putting pallet siding on the miny house. I want to oil it to keep it looking nice... I love it!

We have set aside wood my sweetheart salvaged for a picnic table and are talking about building beehives rather than buying them. We would still buy the frames but building the hives could save a lot and give us flexibility for different hive types. I have seen a horizontal one I like the idea of, but also like the traditional Langstroth hive too. A top bar could be interesting too...
It would be awesome to have honey and have bees to pollinate plants.

I have high hopes for bees in the spring and more plants :) June berries, currants, sun chokes, ramps, walking onions, miners lettuce.... food and beauty!

Friday, June 21, 2019

Happy First Day of Summer

June 21, 2019

Happy First Day of Summer...
I woke up to unexpected frost :(
It has been chilly the last couple days but I did not see a frost warning. I should have checked specifically for it or thought about it more, but did not.
I think 2 tomato plants by the house, a couple patty pan squashes and two Loofah plants, a couple peppers all by the house seem ok,
Most the squashes, peppers and tomatoes were in raised beds or the main garden and they may not survive. If they come back are likely severely stunted. I ran water on them as soon as I noticed but I think it was too late.
Happy First Day of Summer

(First frost of the year happened the Night of September 29th, many of our plants came back but not fast enough. We harvested some squashes and a few tomatoes, but most were still just solid green. I guess we could have done friend green tomatoes or green tomato salsa but I didn't. I was busy getting others stuff done and had to let it go.)

Monday, June 17, 2019

Note from our daughter

While I am at camp please:
1. Check the bunny bed for eggs.

2. Check Bunny food and give her fresh water
3. Let her out in the morning
4. Check for eggs again.


5. Tuck her in at night and give her a treat (raddish or lettuce are her favorites).

Our chickens share about 1/2 an acre with our daughters bunny. We have learned the bunny will stay in the fenced area so during the day she lets her run around and just props open a door for her to go in and out. Apparently the chickens have discovered and claimed it.

Sunday, June 9, 2019


June 9, 2019

Last night one of our chickens was laying on the ground refusing to move, it seemed almost like she could not move. We put her in the extra coop and thought we would have to bury her by morning. This morning we went out and she seems fine. She is up, moving around, eating and drinking. We are so grateful!

Last night we also had a frost warning. We covered all the plants with buckets and sheets. We are not sure if it really frosted or not, but everything seems fine this morning. Double blessings this morning!

Saturday, June 8, 2019


June 8, 2019

This month has held new adventures.

Sadly one of our chickens died. It was moving slow and seemed to just want to sleep. We separated her from the flock and put her in the smaller coop/run area. We put her near food and water. The rest of the flock would come by the fence to check on her. At times she seemed to perk up but mostly she slept. The first night she put herself in the coop, the second night my husband moved her in. The next morning she had passed on. My husband buried her. She was one of the KFC's that our children really liked because she was friendlier and seemed smarter. Our son was at work and somehow we failed to tell him. Several days later he asked about her, if she was doing better. Oops. Sorry.

Our son built, filled and planted a 4*4 raised bed with trellis for his Senior project. Our daughter is caring for one as a goal for her Personal Progress. I have 3 others I am caring for and we have a "main" garden area for corn, pumpkins, big squashes and extra tomatoes. The back bed is mostly planted with strawberries and we have two raised raspberry beds and others planted on the north side of the house. I am working on a herb bed in front of the house and just added some Lavender. I started Basil, parsley and sage inside. My Rosemary and Lavender did not do well from seeds so I bought some. I plan to add some garlic and garlic chives to the onion chives, mint and other herbs already out there. I love all the green coming up :)

Today a Western Tanager flew into our window so hard it left some orange and yellow feathers smeared on the window. Odd because I have not cleaned the windows yet this year. They are kind of dirty. Poor bird sat stunned on the near by bush for quire a while. So long our 4 year old was out talking to it and getting pretty close and it didn't fly away.

Our poor mower was abused last year then I made a few mistakes with it and hastened its demise. We think long term we want a big riding mower, but in the mean time we bought a self-propelled mower and a lighter weight one to work together to keep the property reasonable mowed. I called my Dad to ask about mower advice. I love that he gave me the advice to research it. He suggested going to a lawn equipment store to talk to knowledgeable employees. We looked into that and decided to research online. We learned a lot and feel good about our purchases fitting our current needs and resources. I am so grateful for my Dad's wise advice.

Sadly we killed our weed eater too, but it was corded and really a gas or battery one would better meet our needs here. We are currently investigating them....

We have been working on a 100-200 foot long "flood bed" along our creek. It is a 2-3 foot tall raised bed to help keep spring water in the creek and also provide a place to plant perennial foods. We felt it would provide multiple uses in one, and hopefully be more attractive then a giant berm of dirt and weeds or un-kept grass.  It is kind of hard to balance allowing for natural beauty and controlling the chaos/weeds... it is fun trying though :)